Austen in August: Sign-Up

Adam over at Roof Beam Reader is hosting an event this month that I’m extremely excited about: Austen in August.

So anyone who knows me at all, knows how ardently I admire and love Jane Austen. I’ve been reading and re-reading her novels since I was twelve, and I am always inordinately excited whenever I’m given the chance to study her work, both in high school and uni (I’m not sure I would be able to explain how excited I am to be doing a course this semester titled Jane Austen in Context). So I’m sure you can all guess how excited I was to find out about Austen in August. (I think I’ve used the word excited too many times. Right, new word!)

Throughout the month of August I will be reading and reviewing as many books related to Jane Austen as possible. I’m hoping to get through at least three of Austen’s novels (Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, and Mansfield Park), a biography, and maybe one or two of the sequels/re-imaginings. Plus! I will also be writing a guest post which will be posted over at Roof Beam Reader, and I will be hosting a giveaway. Yes, my first giveaway! Huzzah!

So if you’re a fan of Austen, or even if you have previously dismissed her and want to give her another go, you should come along and join in with us. All you have to do is sign up over here, and then start reading!

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1 Comment

  1. I am woefully under-read when it comes to Austen. I might have to stretch my reading beyond August, though!


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